Tube :( Material: Brass Pipe) O.D.: 50 mm I.D.: 44 mm for fitting
collectivization it is provided with rack & pinion arrangement and slit.
Slit is of circular type. The jaws of the slit are optically ground. It is
provided with Hoffman's Diaphragm.(b) Telescope Tube : (Material : Brass
Pipe)O.D. : 50 mm, I.D. : 44 mm for fitting telescope is provided with rack
& pinion arrangement for proper focusing of spectral lines. Eyepiece ;
(Ramsden Type) : magnification :10 x In eyepiece holder a conical pointer is
fitted in the focal plane of eyepiece(c) Corrected achromatic doublet are
fitted in the lens holders of collimator and telescope tube.(d) Suitable gap is
provided between collimating lens and prism table to accommodate high resolving
instrument like Fabry-Perot E talon.(e) Prism Table is fitted on the machined
cast iron plate and actuated by tangent screw to provide smooth rotation of the
C.D.S. prism placed on it.(f) Prism table is covered with a box of a aluminum
casting having two gates. One gate allows light coming from collimator to enter
into C.D.S. Prism Another gate allows light to be collected by telescopic
objective after light being dispersed from C.D.S. prism.(g) A calibrated drum
(Calibration for visible region i.e. from 4000 A°- 7000 A°) is attached with
the prism table assembly. Accuracy of calibration + 5 A°
(h) Machined cast iron plate with drum assembly is fitted
over the head of a heavy cast iron base
The base and machined cast iron plate are painted in a staple
Grey color
Collimator Telescope Prism table drum assembly are painted
black Total Weight 20 kg.